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"; var date = gallery[pnb]["date"]; info = info + "Data zdjecia: "+date+"
"; var lato = gallery[pnb]["lat_orig"]; var lono = gallery[pnb]["lon_orig"]; info = info + "Lokalizacja: "+lato+", "+lono; $('#dialog-tooltip').html(info); $('#dialog-tooltip').slideDown(100); setTimeout("$('#dialog-tooltip').slideUp(100);",5000); } function HidePhoto() { $('#dialog').jqmHide(); } function GoReview() { if ($('#review').is(':hidden')) { $('#review').slideDown(100); $('#lreview').text('Ukryj recenzję'); } else { $('#review').slideUp(100); $('#lreview').text('Zobacz recenzję'); } } $(document).ready(function(){ $('#dialog') .jqm({ trigger:'#dialogTrigger', overlay: 50, onShow: function(h) { /* callback executed when a trigger click. Show notice */ h.w.fadeIn(); }, onHide: function(h) { /* callback executed on window hide. Hide notice, overlay. */ h.w.fadeOut("fast",function() { if(h.o) h.o.remove(); }); } }); $("body").delegate('.imgi','mouseover mouseleave', function(e){ if (e.type == 'mouseover') { var objid = $(this).attr("id"); SelImgi(objid); } else { SelImgi(null); } }); $("body").delegate('[id*=g_]','mouseover mouseleave', function(e){ if (e.type == 'mouseover') { var gobjid = $(this).attr("id"); var objid = gobjid.replace("g_","i_"); SelImgi(objid); SelMenu(gobjid); } else { SelMenu(null); SelImgi(null); } }); if (p!="") { ShowPhoto(g,p); } });